MODULE #1 (31 JULY - 7 August 2022)
with Sam Auinger (composer and sound-artist), Graham Harman (philosopher), Martin Riches (artist) and Guest Ventriloquist (tbc)
31 July - 6 August 2022
thinking with the ears
The session is lead by Sam Auinger
Thinking with the ears - means consciously expanding our living-space perception by the auditory dimension. During our residency our starting point will be the inseparable relationship between objects/spaces and sound events. This will open an access to our respective inherent auditory, psychotropic, atmospheric and musical qualities. In the later stages we will use this access to experiment with the deep recesses of the heard and the unheard and study a new auditory thought form.
6 August 2022
Art, Architecture, and Objects
“Since the time of Immanuel Kant, "formalism" has been a pivotal topic for both the arts and architecture. In the simplest sense, formalism refers to the idea that a work of art or architecture is cut off from its surroundings. Anti-formalism would mean, by contrast, that a work simply cannot be cut off from its social, political, or biographical context. In Art and Objects (2020) I tried to show that while a certain degree of formalism is inevitable in the arts, this cannot take the form of separating art from its beholders, as both Kant and Michael Fried attempt to do; art is innately theatrical, though still cut off from its environs nonetheless. In the freshly published Architecture and Objects (2022), I claim that both form and function in architecture have been interpreted in too relational a sense, and thus in too non-formal a sense. The way forward for architecture is to move in the direction of what I call zero-form and zero-function.”
A talk by Graham Harman
Graham Harman is a key figure in the field of speculative realism and his work grounded the development of object-oriented ontology. Graham is a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at SCI–Arc in Los Angeles and has written nearly 20 books which have been translated into twenty-one languages. His work on the metaphysics of objects led to the development of object-oriented ontology. He is a central figure in the speculative realism trend in contemporary philosophy.
7 August 2022
by Martin Riches
Martin Riches is an artist working in the fields of media art and sound art. He makes music machines, sound installations and acoustic speech synthesizers. In 1979, he created his first music machine The Flute Playing Machine and since then has been active in the field of Kinetism and Klangkunst.
7 August 2022
by our guest Ventriloquist
As we discuss the perceptions of voice as objects, and objects having voices to be heard buy us humans and other objects, Field Kitchen Academy hosts a special ventriloquist guest to elevate the subject.